The seven smokehouses that support Schwab Meat Co. aren’t your ordinary smokehouses. Each one has been custom engineered in Germany to fit our exact specifications. It should come as no surprise that after smoking meats for over a century, we’ve become pretty particular in how we do things. Let’s meet the family of smokehouses that support Schwab Meat Co. and meat lovers everywhere with 40,000 lbs. of meat a day.
Our three oldest smokehouses were created in the 60s and 70s, and just like wine, they keep getting better with age. Running on a continuous smoke cycle, our smokehouses haven’t stopped since they started. That means decades of real hardwood hickory smoke still lingers within the smokers, giving every ham, turkey leg, andouille and bratwurst the pure essence and timelessness of Schwab Meat.
Since our two recent additions, we now use 7 smokehouses to create our smoked meat. We knew that to keep making the best hotdogs and sausages in Oklahoma, we needed to go beyond dry smoking. Dedicated to producing the juiciest, smokiest hot dogs, hot links, kielbasa and jalapeño cheddar smoked sausages, these two newer smokehouses use a combination of a dry smoke cooking, smoking and steam cooking.
By 4:00 am every morning, a member of the Schwab family or one of our two smoke masters are up tending to the smokers. They’re just as much a part of the Schwab legacy as the first Schwab to come to America from West Germany in 1890 – our founder, George Peter Schwab.